Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Straight from our garden

We have enjoyed quite a harvest from our garden this year despite the lack of knowledge of how to keep the bugs off our yummy veggies and fruits.
I think an organic garden is great but in Kansas I think some sort of pesticide is necessary if you want your garden to last the whole season. So, next year in order to not have to fight constantly with zucchini bugs, cucumbers bugs and who knows what other bugs that have enjoyed our garden as much as we have, I am going to try to spray it with something. I'm not sure what yet but by next year I will know.

We were able to eat 8 cantaloupes, 2 watermelons, lots of cucumbers, bell peppers, 6 zucchinis, enough tomatoes to make several batches of delicious home-made salsa, lots of jalapenos and fresh herbs.

We will continue to harvest more basil and rosemary plus several more melons if the bugs don't get to them before they are ripe. Overall gardening has been something that everyone in the family has enjoyed working on in anticipation of the wonderful results.

Here are some pictures of what we have picked from our garden.


  1. Oh, ce geloasa sunt. O gradina minunata, imi aduce aminte de mamaia si ce frumos era vara sa mancam totul din gradina. Ma bucur ca au crescut multe si bune. La noi nu s-ar face ca nu e destul de cald. Am incercat o data rosii si in septembrie era deja frig si am avut o gramada de rosii verzi asa ca ma duc la piata si iau de acolo acuma.

  2. Yummm! Totul arata delicios, sunteti grozavi!
    Livia, vroiam demult sa te intreb ce program folosesti sa faci colajele de poze si sa scrii pe ele; dar dupa comentariul tau la mine pe blog cred ca e picnik (?). :-)

  3. BEEAAUUUTIFULL! Aren't you so happy to have a garden?! You need to teach me how to grow melons! I have never succeeded.

  4. Yes, I am Daina. It's been great and I know that our little ones have learned a lot from helping with the garden.

  5. wow, i cannot believe that nice of a watermelon in your own back yard?! amazing! and i loved your cucumbers! you guys definitely have green thumbs!

  6. Yum!!! Intr-adevar va pricepeti la gradinarit! Totul arata delicios!!!:)

  7. Super legume si pepeni, sunteti intr-adevar gradinari mari! Vreau sa incep si eu o gradina dar mi-e teama ca nu ma voi pricepe prea bine. Ai ceva resurse sa imi recomanzi, te rog frumos? Am cautat pe web dar nu stiu daca sa fac sq ft gardening sau ce metoda sa folosesc. Mersi mult de ajutor (cristina_karekar@hotmail.com)!!
