Wednesday, July 7, 2010

First tooth and first cereal

I probably should say second tooth since Michael was born with a little bump on his lower gum that turned out to really be a little tooth. Because the tooth was an extra and had no roots he had a dentist appointment immediately so that he would not inhale it into his little lungs. Now at 4 months we are not surprised to see that a real tooth is growing in the same spot. This time it's a strong one that causes Michael to drool a lot but it has not affected his happy personality. He just loves to chew on blankets and his hands.

Also at four months we started Michael on solids we did rice cereal at the beginning and now he eats lots of veggies and fruits. He loves sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, pears etc...and dislikes peaches. That is the only one that he will refuse to open his mouth for after having a taste of it.

Here are some more cute pics that I have not had a chance to post.


  1. Ce scump e! Interesant cu piersicile: nici unul dintre copiii mei nu a vrut piersici ca bebelusi! Si cu Tommy acum, nu-i plac deloc! Ma intreb daca e din cauza ca gustul e cam acrisor...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. your post was informative. didn't know babies could be born with teeth or that they can eat solids so early. still lots to learn
    PS: Nice pics :D

  4. Nu imi vine sa cred ca deja e de varta in care poate sa manance cereale!!! Ce repede trece timpul!!! Si pozele unt uperbe! E asa de dragutz!!! Se vede ca e iubit si ferici; stie si el asta. :D
