Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Prince Andrew is 5 years old!

February is our birthday marathon month. We start with Andrew's birthday, then Michael's 5 days later and we close the month with Jeremy's birthday. My favorite boys get to celebrate all month long.
I surprised Andrew with an Angry Birds themed party. Angry Birds is a game that he loves to play on my phone. The goal of the game is to defeat evil green pigs(they stole the eggs of the birds) by using a slingshot and throwing birds at them. I made the angry birds cake the night before the party just so he could only see it the morning of his birthday. He loved it all as soon as he got to see it. The cake was fantastic and the decorations that Jasmine helped me out with were amazing. Several friends came and celebrated Andrew's birthday with pizza, games, balloons, cake and ice cream.
Andrew is a brilliant boy! He is so smart and well behaved that at times I forget that he is just 5 years old. We sure have been very blessed! This fall Andrew is going to start kindergarten and he is very excited. He knows how to write his first, middle, and last name. He can do addition up to ten and can count to 100 by ones and by tens. He has learned the days of the week, the seasons and most of the months in the year. We are working on the sounds of the letters so we can start reading this summer. Oh I don't want to forget that he is also getting the hang of the value of coins. I think he will do great in kindergarten. At his 5 year old well checkup Andrew weighed 50 pounds (93rd percentile) and was 45 inches tall (84th percentile).
We love Andrew with all our heart ! He always puts a smile on my face with his smarty pants comments. Happy birthday big boy!


  1. ai niste copii frumosi foc sa aveti aprte numai de viata buna si de fericire

  2. Ce tort frumos. L-ai facut cu fondant? E un scump. Si Daci are aceeasi inaltime si el face 5 ani in 2 saptamani. pacat ca nu stam mai aproape una de alta. Te pup.

  3. La Multi Ani Andrew!!! Ce baiat mare si destept; intradevar sunteti binecuvantati sa aveti copii asa de buni si frumosi si sanatosi. :D

  4. Happy Birthday Andrew! Looks like he had a really Fun birthday! They grow so fast don't they?!

  5. La multi ani, Andrew!!! Ce petrecere super! Si ce mare e!!! Deci, Andrew, Dacian si Zach vor merge la gradinita anul acesta. Marfa!:)

  6. Wow, ce baietel talentat ai!!!! LA MULTI ANI pentru el, sa va traiasca si sa va bucurati mereu de el! Este minunat! Si cred ca ori nu am citit eu bine (si ai scris in blog) ori ai "omis" sa spui ca joaca si sah deja!!!! Ai un print minunat!!! Iar tortul pe care l-ai facut arata excelent (si sunt sigura ca a fost si delicios)!!!! TAlentul il mosteneste cu siguranta de la mama (si tata, cu siguranta!) INca o data, felicitari si ma bucur mult ca ai postat! :) (Si Ella merge la gradinita tot in toamna, este este putin mai mare insa) te pup!

  7. Da, intradevar Cristina lui Andrew ii place sa joace si sah. Toamna asta o sa poate sa intre si el in competitii la fel ca Jasmine.

    Stacey, yes I think they grow too fast---and we are getting older.

    Adela, multumim din suflet pentru cuvintele frumoase.

    Maddy, da eu am facut tortul si am folosit fondant. Toate animalutele de pe tort sunt facute de mine cu fondant. Este tare usor:)

    Ioana, iti vine sa crezi ca avem noi toate inca o runda de copii gata de gradinita? Ce trece timpul:)

    Thanks girls for the comments!It sure makes me want to blog more:)))Hugs***

  8. Annie, multumesc pentru cuvintele frumoase si voi sunteti binecuvantati cu niste comori foarte petioase:) te pup!!!
