Saturday, October 22, 2011

Grandparents day

Ever since kindergarten started Jasmine has wished her grandparents could be here so she could have lunch with them on grandparents day and show them her classroom. Of course that has not been possible because both of our families live far away from where we are. So, I have been the one always going to school for grandparents day. But this year was different! Jasmine was super thrilled to have her grandparents from Spain here at the school for the special celebration. She made sure that they got to know the entire school and meet all her classmates and the teacher. Jasmine's grandparents were the youngest of all the grandparents in the class. I can't wait for my turn to be a grandma but until then I am enjoying every moment as a mom raising my sweet children.

1 comment:

  1. Ce moment minunat!!! Si pentru noi e la fel, si deocamdata nu am avut nici un bunic la scoala...:( Poate intr-o zi! Ma bucur ca Jasmine a avut aceasta posibilitate.:)
