Thursday, April 22, 2010

Best job ever!

I have the best job in the world! Raising three beautiful children is hard work but I would not trade it for anything in the world. When I wake up to feed Michael at 5 in the morning and I am greeted with the largest smile in the world I know he loves me just as much as I love him. Not only that it never matters if I am showered or if my hair is done in his eyes I am still the best. I love being here every day for my children to hear their laughter, cries, complaints and accomplishments, to teach them and guide them through these fleeting years . When I look back in ten years I do not want to regret that I was not there, or I did not play enough. I want to smile and remember every moment  from their sweet childhood.

Here are the stats from Michael's 2 month well checkup appointment

Height: 24 inches

Weight: 12 pounds 2oz  ( he has doubled his birth weight)



  1. Imi place tare mult ce ai scris. Si eu simt exact la fel!
    Livia, parintii mei au venit aici pe viza de vizitator si am trimis aplicatiile pentru ei imediat. Totul a mers foarte repede.
    Mult succes parintilor tai!!!! Sunt sigura ca totul va merge bine!

  2. Nu m-am mai uitat la bloguri de mult. :D Ce imi plac pozele voastre!!! Ai dreptate cu ocupatia noastra de mame. Pacat ca multi nu o vad asa de importanta. Copii cresc prea repede si si eu siimt ca vreau sa fac cat mai mult cu ei ca sa nu regret in viitor ca nu am petrecut timpul meu cu ei.
